Wingate Inn (Hotels & Motels) in Plainview
Full information about Wingate Inn in Plainview: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Wingate Inn on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Wingate Inn:
Wingate Inn opening hours:
Monday: 24 hours
Tuesday: 24 hours
Wednesday: 24 hours
Thursday: 24 hours
Friday: 24 hours
Saturday: 24 hours
Sunday: 24 hours
EditReviews about Wingate Inn:
About Wingate Inn:
The company Wingate Inn is listed in our catalog under the category Hotels & Motels. You can contact Wingate Inn by phone number: (516) 349-7774. This firm is located at: 150 Express St, Plainview, New York
EditHotels & Motels nearest to Wingate Inn:
Camp Tioga Plainview, Hotels & Motels; 1191 Old Country Rd, Plainview, NY, 11803-5003; (516) 938-0894
Four Points by Sheraton Plainview Long Island Plainview, Hotels & Motels; 333 South Service Road, Plainview, NY, 11803; (516) 694-6500
Marriott Residence Inn, Specializing In Relocation /Extended Stays Plainview, Hotels & Motels; 9 Gerhard Rd, Plainview, NY, 11803-5501; (516) 433-6200